Use "expansionist|expansionists" in a sentence

1. He was a ruthless expansionist.

2. This Spanish school is not the only business school pursuing expansionist dreams.

3. Now, Varney was suggesting that Google was repeating Microsoft's expansionist behavior.

4. 1 When adjacency and multiple occupation are permitted, the figure becomes extrovert, expansionist.

5. When adjacency and multiple occupation are permitted, the figure becomes extrovert, expansionist.

6. The problem is to find a convincing argument for local ethical scepticism which has no expansionist tendencies.

7. ICBC, which has shown the most expansionist instincts, derived only 4 % of profits from abroad.

8. Yet Mr Nugent is right to emphasise the persistence of the expansionist strand in American history.

9. Excluding political factors, however, Japan's expansionist approach is hardly unusual in the global community.

10. Expansionists in the American South wanted to annex Texas, while their counterparts in the Northeast wanted to annex the Oregon Country whole.

11. 12 Their strategy is expansionist and im-perialist, and it is greatest in effect, of course, when there is no countervailing power.

12. Their strategy is expansionist and im-perialist, and it is greatest in effect, of course, when there is no countervailing power.

13. THE WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE EDGAR ALLAN POE The party in power were Avowedly expansionist; their retort was equally dialectic and vapid

14. The Axis grew out of the diplomatic efforts of Nazi Germany, the Kingdom of Italy, and the Empire of Japan to secure their own specific expansionist interests

15. Containment, strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States beginning in the late 1940s in order to check the expansionist policy of the Soviet Union

16. The highly popular government"s expansionist policy, including major support of village economic development, has raised concerns about fiscal discipline and the health of financial institutions."

17. Asoka tells his subjects that he looked upon them as his children, that their welfare is his main concern; he apologizes for the Kalinga war and reassures the people beyond the borders of his empire that he has no expansionist intentions towards them

18. ‘The different groups Coexisted because Paul knew how to do it.’ ‘He understands it to be a redundant, intolerant, expansionist ideology incapable of peacefully coexisting with other faiths.’ ‘The environment needs to be unquestionably safe for Mum and myself to coexist in …